Friday, October 24, 2008's cold !!

Thank goodness for that kitchen and it's oven!!

The past two mornings the temperature has dipped down to the forties and it is cold in the house. Now I know it will get colder than forty one degrees in a month or so, but after all the beautiful weather we have had out here in Texas........41 is too cold for me! The last two winters I have been freezing in this little house of mine because of leaky windows, no weather stripping and no attic insulation. Turning on the heat doesn't work for me as the electric bills run first winter my electric bill was $300 for one month. Needless to say I stopped turning on the heat trying to bring down the bill. Only when it was really cold ....30 degrees....did I ever put the heat on to warm myself up. And when I had the heat on....all I could think about was not that I was warm, but my electrical bill was going to be high....warmth or broke??!!

This year I discovered if I close the doors to my bedroom and the doors leading to the front part of the house........AND turn on the house warms up comfortably!! I know I can't sleep with the oven going at night........but while I am awake I will be warm! YAY! Best of all...gas is way cheaper than electricity!!

The temperature outside will get warmer today so, the oven will only run to take the chill off the house...........when winter finally sets in I will continue to use the oven to stay warm, but I am looking into installing a space heater of some sort in my capped off fireplace. I do not like being cold......thank goodness Texas winters are truly not that harsh!

I have small floor heaters AND an electric's really not that bad (I will change those words as soon as the true coldness hits!). Once upon a time the house had little gas wall heaters, but when the house was redone the contractor put in a central heating system......wish I had one or two of those little gas heaters today.

I need to get busy and work on leaky windows and doors before winter hits Texas!!

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