Friday, October 31, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This adorable turkey is offered at for $13. There are 5 iron pieces....all you need is a pumpkin or a gourd and within minutes you have a table top decoration for yourself or as a gift. Tell Care (the owner)....TexasGrammie sent you!!

'Made in the USA'

I have an obsession going on......

Wow!! The last couple of days I have spent checking out other blogs and I am in awe! There are so many wonderful blogs that I can't seem to stay off the computer. I am up early sitting at the computer and I am up late sitting at the computer......reading....reading.....reading!! I took a simple test on some one's blog just to see how 'blog crazy' I have become.....the results: 73% !! Okay, that is a bit too much intensity with this blog thing.....nothing is getting done around here and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel either!! is all good and I am enjoying myself. I love the graphics and the layouts I have seen as I 'surf' the vision for my blog is changing, but I really want to keep it simple as I created my blog for family and friends.

There is a blog for everything and everyone. I started on Summer's blog and 'traveled' to the far corners of the United States.....visiting Nebraska, Washington, California, New Jersey, Georgia, Florida....and the list goes on and on!! I marked several as favorites and will return to 'get into them later'. Many were hosting blogs about being a grandparent, crafts, shabby chic, recipes....musings of so many areas I like to read about. I have this obsession's like reading a favorite magazine and not being able to put it down! The fun part about it....many women had a blog, but also were online selling the things they, like a good shopper I visited those sites as well. My daughter in law, Beth, sells her homemade cards on and when I visited her site........well, another entire afternoon whizzed by me! work....decorated painted pieces......every thing imaginable is offered for sale online!!

It's been so enlightening, but I have to stop this computer playing and get my house ready for my California visitor who comes out on November 6th. Sandi has been a friend since the late '70s and she and I are getting together at my home for a few days. It will be so much fun. The first place I am going to take her is to the Fort Worth of my favorite places here in Texas. There are great cities out here to visit as well......Austin....San Antonio.....Dallas.......and more!! Sandi will only be out here for a few days so, whatever we do will be crammed into a short period of time......she might need a vacation when she goes back to California from her vacation she took in Texas!! She works for Mattel and is planning to go over to the Fort Worth division of the company to visit with some friends.......I am looking forward to going over there too. I love toys!!

Today is going to be a beautiful day outside. Later in the afternoon you will find me doing some yard can definitely see a difference in my yard. Things in the backyard are dying back and what was once beautiful is now a bit......ugly!! At least things in the front yard still look good. I am all about 'curb appeal'!!! I have decorated the front porch for fall and it looks so pretty. I still need a few more things to sit out........I want to be done by the end of the week.

I will post a picture soon so all of you can see........xoxoxoxo

Monday, October 27, 2008

What a birthday weekend.....

I had a great birthday weekend. Saturday was spent drooling over garden at a resale shop.....a BBQ lunch.....and getting ready for a Sunday ATV riding excursion. Busy day, but! Sunday I went to Muenster Texas and spent the entire day riding on wonderful trails and enjoying myself sooo very much. The weather was perfect for a day outdoor with friends who share my love of riding. Everyone brings food and we BBQ more food than we can eat. Texans love their BBQ. At the end of the day I was asked if I wanted to join the 'guys' on the last run of the day. They told me it was 'rough' and at any time I wanted to stop I could. Ok, the challenge was on and I quickly grabbed a helmet and jumped on my little red ATV. The ride was fast and bumpy to say the least, but I kept up with all six of those guys. I was riding with adrenalin flowing rapidily through my veins and I was letting nothing stop me to stay up with the 'pack'. That is until I hit a rut and WHAM.......I fell. Don't exactly know what made me fall, but I would think it was the speed that took me out......more than the rut!! As I laid on the ground wrenching in pain.....I was mad at myself for wiping out. Humiliated that I allowed such a small rut knock me off my bike. I was struggling to get up and one of the guys came over and asked me if I was okay. "I think so." He asked me if I thought anything was broken.....with that a resounding "Gosh, I hope not!!!" All I was picturing was a helicopter ride back to town and all the costs that would surround me if I had broken something. With that picture in my mind, I grabbed his hand and allowed him to stand me up. I hurt!! My pride more than the pain in my hip. Truthfully I was praising myself for wearing a helmet.....something I don't normally wear when I ride. I got back on the ATV and continued the ride. The rest of the ride was more scary than my fall. Up and down hills that were clearly over my abilities, but I gave it my usually....I can do this!! Finally I said uncle and we returned back to camp. I am glad I took the challenge and rode with those guys, but my days of trying to go on trails that should be left to the younger guys is definitely over!! I will continue to stay on the trails and river beds that suit me just fine!!

I remember my birthday when Tony was two. He and I were on an ATV and wiped out. My head body hurt......but all I was thinking was.....have I hurt my son?? I remember scooping him up out of the dirt and checked him over for anything broken. He just looked at me and was laughing. The kid had no idea how close we came to being hurt. He talked about that incident for a long time.....all these years have come and gone and I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

All in all it was a great birthday weekend. Today my hip is turning black and blue, but I am proud of myself that I rode hard and fast and was able to stay up with a bunch of teenagers and men. But mostly......I have a desire to wear a helmet is the only thing that saved that hard head of mine from cracking open!! Helmets give you 'helmet hair', but they do so much more than that.......saves your life!!! I am sure Summer and my Dad will be saying.......finally she has gotten smart and is listening to me!!

Friday, October 24, 2008's cold !!

Thank goodness for that kitchen and it's oven!!

The past two mornings the temperature has dipped down to the forties and it is cold in the house. Now I know it will get colder than forty one degrees in a month or so, but after all the beautiful weather we have had out here in Texas........41 is too cold for me! The last two winters I have been freezing in this little house of mine because of leaky windows, no weather stripping and no attic insulation. Turning on the heat doesn't work for me as the electric bills run first winter my electric bill was $300 for one month. Needless to say I stopped turning on the heat trying to bring down the bill. Only when it was really cold ....30 degrees....did I ever put the heat on to warm myself up. And when I had the heat on....all I could think about was not that I was warm, but my electrical bill was going to be high....warmth or broke??!!

This year I discovered if I close the doors to my bedroom and the doors leading to the front part of the house........AND turn on the house warms up comfortably!! I know I can't sleep with the oven going at night........but while I am awake I will be warm! YAY! Best of all...gas is way cheaper than electricity!!

The temperature outside will get warmer today so, the oven will only run to take the chill off the house...........when winter finally sets in I will continue to use the oven to stay warm, but I am looking into installing a space heater of some sort in my capped off fireplace. I do not like being cold......thank goodness Texas winters are truly not that harsh!

I have small floor heaters AND an electric's really not that bad (I will change those words as soon as the true coldness hits!). Once upon a time the house had little gas wall heaters, but when the house was redone the contractor put in a central heating system......wish I had one or two of those little gas heaters today.

I need to get busy and work on leaky windows and doors before winter hits Texas!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I am a lover of glass...EVERYONE knows that....

Drenda's Garden was
created for Donna's
girlfriend. She can
personalize anything
you want...... For the Sunflower lovers....
Donna personalized this
rock for one of her
Cute frame......with mirror...
This garden lady is sold, but
Donna has others.....

My girlfriend Donna from California is a very talented artist. She does stain glass....wind chimes and right now her passion these days.....mosaics. These are a few of her designs.....aren't they beautiful? They are for sale and she can do custom orders for you as well. I just wanted all of you to see her work...........

I added music to my blog after going through a "green eye" moment......did not have any idea how to do it, but figured if "they" could do it so could I...!! The bug really got me when I visited one of my favorite on-line stores....she had music and the panel was pink. Well, that's all it took!! A button pushed here...and a button pushed I chuckled loudly when I added Elvis' version of "Yellow Rose of Texas"...and his "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You". Just had to add those song to my Texas based blog. I am sure all of you burst out into laughter as I did when the song came up on the panel. Silly me. If you haven't listened to the the button it is worth the chuckle!!

Carters Chord is a musical group out of Nashville. They just finished touring with one of my favorites....Toby Keith....and they are really good! They are three sisters who once attended the church I went to in California.....all grown up and simply beautiful.....check out their web site for more about them.

Enjoy listening to some of "my favorites" while you browse through my entries.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!

Lindsay and Breezi

Lindsay has been a 'regular member' of our family since junior high school. She has shared our life and we have shared hers! Love you lots and best wishes for a great birthday!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I am getting old......

This past weekend I went out on my ATV......had a blast! Today I am sooo sore! My muscles are aching and I have come to realize I am not 20 any longer and I need to pull back a bit when I ride. To top matters off.......I tried to put the ATV on the trailer and I ended up having a motorcycle fall against my right hand pinning it down. It hurt to say the least. I didn't break anything, but at the time I thought I did!! All I kept thinking....I have no insurance and it was going to hurt worse to come up with the money than my hand being injured. My wrist and pinkie took the blunt of the injury, but they will feel better faster than my leg muscles! I know from now on......I will not be loading my ATV...someone else is going to have to do that for me!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


A couple of days ago while watering the front flower bed, I noticed an imprint of what resembled hoof prints of a very large - well, what came to my mind was deer or moose was that big!! Anyway, I kept wondering just what had been in my it hit me! My ceramic family of rabbits had been stolen!! Not only my cute little family, but my shabby chic bird plant poke that was in the opposite flower bed..........gone.......all three things!

Probably some silly teenager who happened to think this would be a fun thing to do. In the two years I have been living here nothing has ever been taken from the front porch or the flower beds. Guess there is a first time for everything!!

Because thieves usually return to the scene of the crime......and because I have made it easy for them....they will probably come back for something else. To think I have been complaining about the neighborhood cats and those pecan stealing squirrels, when all along my real issue was with someone who wanted some of my 'girlie things'.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Auntie Sandi's grandaughter....Devynn

My room that is up for 'adoption'...

This morning when I opened the mailbox on my computer.....there were 8 responders to my ad for my spare room which I listed for 'adoption'. I could hardly contain my bubble burst within minutes. EVERY ONE of them were written from out of the country. RED FLAG! Two of them were constructed EXACTLY the same....only the names were different. ANOTHER RED FLAG!

Must I tell you I did not email any of them back! Made for interesting reading and a good laugh!

Don't worry.......I am being careful!!

Free outdoor BBQ grill.......

Outdoor grilling at its best.....
I especially like the higher rack which can be used for keeping
things warm.
Just make sure to get a metal one...the plastic ones
don't work as well.
Available at:
Sam's Club
Home Depot & Lowes
(Thanks, Donna, for this very cute email you forwarded to me today. )

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Red letter day for me...

Well, I have officially put my spare bedroom up for 'adoption' today. This is a big issue for me and I am trusting the Lord with all of it!

Financial circumstances is the key factor in this decision. I am being careful as to whom I will be allowing to stay in the front part of my house, so don't worry about that. There will be a great deal of adjustment for me......the biggest one right now (outside of renting it quickly) will be 'where will I put ALL my stuff from that room?' Guess that's where the attic will come in handy!!

Privacy issues abound in a decision like the one I just made. Of course I will have to adjust and just make it work!! Hopefully a nice Christian girl attending TCU (Texas Christian University) will see the ad and respond to it.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I will let you know what happens..........

Wrangler Iron - Western Decor

This one is my favorite and it looks great with other melons as well....only $13
Other designs available

Precott, Arizona is home to 'Wrangler Iron'. Check out their web site for everything from Christmas ornaments to yard art.
There you will meet Coal Sinders...he is a handsome cowboy!!
Mention me when you place an order!!
Not that will get you anything but a silly little remark from the very friendly owner.....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Bible verse for your birthday

To find out what Bible verse is 'set' for your birthday...go to:

Rain, rain, go away...come again another day....

Today it is raining here in Fort Worth. Looks like an all day rain and while it is a 'good thing'......I could really go for the rain to go away and come back later. I had my entire day all mapped out.....including working in the garden! Can't do that is a good day for ducks!
Guess I will go up into my attic and work there.....taking advantage of the cooler temperature. There is a great deal to do in the attic to get prepared to put some insulation down. When my house was redone, the workers left behind roofing debris and soda cans......all of which need to be picked up before I can have insulation laid. During the summer the temperature in the attic reaches melting degrees and in the winter I can sometimes use my attic as a's that cold! When I get insulation up there........hopefully my home will be warmer this winter! Yay!! I HATE to be cold.

I had televsion and internet service installed in my house two weeks ago and I love it!! Don't know why I didn't break down before this and have these two things wasn't important enough I guess.!!

Signs of fall are beginning to show up in here. Leaves are turning colors and dropping.......the grass isn't growing as fast as it once was.....cooler mornings and cooler evenings......I love the fall!!! I love to wear sweaters and pretty's almost time to put summer clothes up and bring winter things out! Where did the time go though? Passed by so quickly!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grandkids..........the latest pictures

Becky's first touch of what beach sand feels and tastes like

Matt & Becky..

Jeremy and Ashlynn...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October is National Breast Cancer month and together
we can make a difference
Each of us have had breast cancer touch our lives in one way or another.

There is so much we can do to help.....whether it be financial support...
running/walking for the cure...voluntering at the various organizations around
our city........or just sitting at the computer and 'visiting' the hundreds of
websites and figuring out just what you can do that will make a difference.

The stories of the surviors touch our hearts. Sadly, the stories of the ones
who do not survive touch our hearts even more. In the last twenty some years
breast cancer research and awareness has been right out there in front
leading the way finding the cure and helping women.

Pink has become the symbol for breast cancer awareness programs. Everyone
knows my favorite color is pink and my favorite flower is a pink rose.
(Let's not even mention my house!!!)
The above picture of pink roses are flowers I placed in
my friend Linda's birthday bouquet,
she is a breast cancer survior so I felt it appropriate
to include the photo in today's blog.

Pink roses carry a connotation of grace, elegance,
as well as sweetness and poetic romance.
Dark pink roses express: gratitude, appreciation and thanks.
Light pink roses express: gentleness and admiration.

Today I send each of you an extra large bouquet of pink roses.
From the deepest shade of pink to the lightest shade of pink......
in remembrance of those I know as survivors and for those who were not.

Join me this month in helping fight breast cancer to honor
those we know who have walked this path and to make a difference.