Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to all........

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Oh my gosh......I am having such a time with sweets lately!! Doughnuts especially!
The guys bring doughnuts into work every Friday and Saturday and it is all I can do to NOT eat the entire box myself!!

I have become such a pig! If it is not the's the hard candies in the jar on the counter. Yikes!

I feel horrible the past few days and I am so sure it is because of all the body is trying to tell me that enough is enough. I have been doing this for months now and I think it has totally caught up with me.

I know I need to stop eating so much junk food.....I try, but I always stumble and go back to putting the sugar into my mouth. Today I feel as if I am stuffed into my jeans.......not feeling good about myself at all.

For health issues I know I am going to have to really try to be good......diabetes runs in my family and I really donn't want that problem.

Tomorrow I am going to really try to be good and get back on the right track!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, I got my house all cleaned up last night so, tonight I am going to sit on the couch and just rest....yeah, like that will happen!! Why is it women never seem to be able to just sit and relax? I know I should be doing that, but I know I still have a list of things that still need to be finished......

(1.) There are letters and cards to write....
(2.) I need to shave my legs.....
(3.) I need to take the trash out to the curb...
(4.) There are several phone calls to make...not too mention unanswered emails...
(5.) The bird's cage needs a good scrubbing...
(6.) I need to wash and iron.......(oh, that sounds like fun!)
(7.) I need to fix my hair color....NOW THAT IS A STORY IN ITSELF...yikes....!
(8.) I need to do my Bible Study.....
(9.) And the list goes on and on..........

Well, I do know there are a few things on my list I will do tonight, but when my favorite television show begins.....I AM THERE ON THE COUCH WITH MY GLASS OF WINE AND THE REMOTE!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tonight I am going to spend the evening cleaning MY house. Whenever I clean someone else's house...I always chuckle to myself..."I DON'T EVEN DO THIS TO MY OWN HOUSE!" Well, tonight my little bungalow with get cleaned. Not that it is terribly messy, but there are a few things that NEED attention. I have decided not to turn on the television.....answer phones....NOTHING that plugs in...NO DISTRACTIONS ALLOWED!! Well, the stereo will be cranked up. Nothing is better to clean house than to have the stereo turned up loud....the louder the better!!

One major job will get done tonight and three minor things....have a goal!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009