Thursday, June 11, 2009

It is pouring rain today!! Last night we had so much rain...thunder.....lightning....and tornado warnings!! Frightful evening, but I survived. This spring it has been one rain storm after another........I just know when this weekend hits with the high temperatures...I will be wishing it was raining!!

I missed birthdays last month......Sandi.......Donna........hope you had great birthdays. Sorry I didn't call either one of you, but I did think of you two!

Summer is still going through tests for the lump in her neck. Please pray for her. Next week she will have another biopsy done and then have to wait again for the results. The waiting game is taking a toll on her......and on her mother and the rest of the family as well.

More later..............

Monday, June 8, 2009

I just can't seem to get it together.........

Wow!! Can't believe it has been over a month since I wrote anything. I imagine all of you are wondering just what is going on out here in the Lone Star state. First, I am not longer employed....lost a great, great job, but I know the Lord will provide another........and I am praying that it is soon!! The list of whys and wheres can go on and on, so I will spare you all the little stuff and hit you with the big stuff!! I have been very sick for the last two weeks. It's an upper respiratory problem complicated with a good dose of allergies. YUCK!! Some days I am up and moving while other days I am completely out of it. I keep telling myself that I am doing great.........and getting better........I sure hope I can fully convince myself with what I am telling myself on a daily basis.

It's been hot the last couple of days.......making up for all the rain we have been getting these last few months. Today I think summer time has finally hit Texas! YAY!! I worked in my yard on Sunday....laid a few more bricks and planted a few more flowers. The backyard is beginning to look as pretty as the front yard. I even tried to start flowers from seed......they are coming up and I am so elated.........I have never really had any luck planting seeds.

For those who I haven't gotten in touch with recently.....I promise I will do that soon. I haven't forgotten any of you.