Thursday, November 5, 2009

Well, I got my house all cleaned up last night so, tonight I am going to sit on the couch and just rest....yeah, like that will happen!! Why is it women never seem to be able to just sit and relax? I know I should be doing that, but I know I still have a list of things that still need to be finished......

(1.) There are letters and cards to write....
(2.) I need to shave my legs.....
(3.) I need to take the trash out to the curb...
(4.) There are several phone calls to make...not too mention unanswered emails...
(5.) The bird's cage needs a good scrubbing...
(6.) I need to wash and iron.......(oh, that sounds like fun!)
(7.) I need to fix my hair color....NOW THAT IS A STORY IN ITSELF...yikes....!
(8.) I need to do my Bible Study.....
(9.) And the list goes on and on..........

Well, I do know there are a few things on my list I will do tonight, but when my favorite television show begins.....I AM THERE ON THE COUCH WITH MY GLASS OF WINE AND THE REMOTE!!

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