Well, as you can tell I have not blogged in almost two weeks until today and now I am trying to play catch up with important happenings.......and posting pictures. My computer is not available on a daily basis for me to blog or keep in touch with everyone with emails.....we have a weekend connection until I pay for cable to be installed at my little 1919 bungalow!
For those of you who do not know where Fort Worth is - NORTH TEXAS!! And today I am quite glad to be in north Texas and not southeast Texas where "Hurricane Ike" has hit this wonderful state and pounded it hard!! Lots of rain.....lots of damage......it is headed to north Texas, but all we will see is heavy winds and 1 to 2 inches of rain. We need the rain and I am looking forward to settling down in front of the television set with a cup of hot tea and watching silly old movies. It will by no means be on the cold side outdoors.....warm and humid, but I am going to watch the rain fall and pretend as I am sipping my hot tea.....it's cold outside.
My garden is still growing and since the hottest part of summer is over.....my garden is starting to produce more vegetables and fruit. I finally have watermelons, peppers, and tomatoes and I am happy. When I first planted.....all was well and things were producing...then the hot Texas summer hit and all was almost lost! Daily I struggled and resisted the tempation to pull out the half dead or dying plants....my Mother, the supreme gardener, kept telling me..."let the garden alone and just let it go!" My backyard garden was like having a bunch of teenagers....tempermental and crying for individual attention. Frankly, it was driving me crazy!
I did let things "go".....I continued to water and watch and I admit...I eventually pulled up five squash plants because I just couldn't take the pressure any longer!! Today things are going well....all I want is for at least one of my three watermelons to grow BIG so I can harvest it! I laugh when I recall blogging (bragging) about having to put a vegetable stand in my front yard to sell ALL the produce I was going to harvest this summer.....God has such a way of humbling us!! I may not have had an abundance of fruit and vegetables this summer as I expected but, I had fun with the garden any way. To have one or not to have one next year......that's the question on my mind right now!!
I continue to help Nimia with her house.....lots of sanding and priming walls! Lots of physical labor and at night I am tired!! Even all that work I did in my yard does not compare to the intensity of what I do during the day now!!! I have fun though....at least for now!!
Fall is on it's way.....can you believe that it is in the middle of September already? Where is the time going???? Soon the holidays will be upon us and it will be soooo much fun!! Can't wait!!
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